Mindful with your Baby Course
New Mindfulness Course for Mums and Babies to take together
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday Mornings from May 8th 2025
Where: Carrigaline Parish Centre,
Behind the Church
Time: 9.45am - 11am
Course Cost: €125
Payment Plans available if needed. Please speak to me directly about this.
Is this Course right for me & my baby?
This new mindfulness course is aimed at providing a space for you both to step away for the endless ‘ to do list’ and routine of life with a small baby and step into some time for ‘ being together’ with other mums and babies who wish to do the same.
It is aimed at providing , you, the mum, with some precious time to learn how to slow down, reconnecting to yourself and your own needs in your journey of recovery post partum as well as learning how to be more fully present to your little one with kindness , gentleness and compassion as you both navigate this huge new journey of discovery and life together
What can you expect from the Course?
Each week we will explore simple mindfulness practices that you can use in your daily life as well as discussing topics such as;
Being aware of when you are on autopilot
Learning how to observe and watch your baby communicating with you
Taking care of yourself & creating space for yourself in your daily life
Self Compassion - being kind with yourself as you are with baby
Mindfulness Tools and Techniques to support you when difficult moments arrive
Each week, there is time to relax, have a cuppa and share the joys and challenges of life with a new baby together
Background to the Course
The course was developed at the University of Amsterdam in co-operation with a Mindful Parenting Course developed by Susan Bogels and Kathleen Restifo.
Feedback from Past Participants
“I loved having a place to connect with myself. To stop and look inside. I enjoyed sharing the experience with other mums in the same situation as well ”
“I enjoyed being reminded to take time for yourself as you get lost in the baby’s needs.
“It was a time to reflect on everything I had achieved and congratulate myself and be compassionate rather than critise myself for what I haven’t done”
“It was great to have a space for myself and the baby to relax together, talk to other parents and exchange ideas. I really enjoyed exploring the concept of guilt”