Clodagh McCarthy of Bright Sparks Coaching offers mindfulness courses for Expectant and New Parents, Teens and Individuals who wish to learn how to slow down, be present and live their lives with a greater sense of ease, kindness and compassion


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Take an 8 Week MBSR Course and bring the practice of mindfulness into your daily life


mindfulness courses FOR PARENTS

Mindfulness Courses for Expectant Parents and Mums and Babies


Mindfulness in THE WORKPLACE

Mindfulness Workshops for Staff and Employees



The course with Clodagh was mind-opening and taught me new skills and strategies that I continue to use to enhance my life. I learnt the value of living in the present moment, even when that moment can be the hardest one of your life, and using my breath to stay centered. It continues to help me with changing my mindset from negative thoughts to positive thinking. Clodagh is a very patient, gentle, understanding, welcoming and encouraging teacher. I continue to get tremendous value from what I learnt on the course and highly recommend it.
— Mary, Co. Kerry (8 week MBSR course participant)
I loved the course. It was so much fun. I learned ‘Do not worry, Stay calm, and Be Nice’
— David, Co.Cork (A child participating in Mindfulness for Children program)
It was a time to reflect on everything I had achieved and congratulate myself and be compassionate rather than critise myself for what I haven’t done
— Siobhan ( Mindful with your baby Course)
Thank you for a brilliant enlightening week. Feel restored for the challenges of the year ahead. I really enjoyed the course and got a lot from it. There was a lovely atmosphere created by the facilitator and fellow participants which made for a lovely learning environment.
— Emma, Co. Tipperary (A Teacher, Summer Course Participant)
I decided to attend this course as a way of taking control of a very stressful lifestyle. I felt this course helped me to gain time for myself back again - something I missed so much! It allowed me the space to take stock of what life is like now as a mother, wife, sister, friend and colleague. This course is about being kind and gentle to yourself. I look forward to attending similar courses with you in the future.
— Grainne, Co. Cork (8 Week Course Participant)
I loved having a place to connect with myself. To stop and look inside. I enjoyed sharing the experience with other mums in the same situation as well
— Mary (Mindful with your Baby Course)

If you feel it is time to ignite your spark and start living the life you desire for yourself

contact me or book a course now.